Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Overdue Life Updates
Brady is doing well and 6.5 YEARS old now! I wish he would stop growing up! :(
I'm still at the same job and doing OK. Hubby is still at his job and finally getting some good raises to help us pay off some debt.
Nothing much else new...just realized I hadn't updated this in a VERY long time!
Hope this post finds any of my old readers doing well! :)
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Finally...PAO date set!
I am LONG overdue for an update so I will try to make it short and sweet.
After having my labrum repaired last June, the pain in my hip never improved. I was finally able to get an MRI (of both hips since the right one has started to become symptomatic) in April. The scans showed a labral tear in the right hip (the one that started to show symptoms, but still remained my "good" hip) and 'no evidence' of re-tear in the left hip. However, the one labral tear was enough to get me a referral from my family doctor to the hip dysplasia specialist that I've been trying to go see for 9 months now -- Dr. Ira Zaltz in Royal Oak, MI. After last year's scope (with another ortho) failed, I began doing research on hip dysplasia and who specializes in it. I was lucky enough to find Dr. Zaltz, who is well-versed in hip dysplasia as well as the surgery to address it...and he was only an hour away from home!
My appointment with him was on May 18th and went exactly as I expected. He looked over my MRIs and did his own set of x-rays. He told me I do have bilateral hip dysplasia and that the left (the one I had repaired last year and that is the most painful) is worse than the right. He said I have minimal arthritis and said that I was a reasonable candidate for a periacetabular osteotomy (PAO). He did caution that since I had the repair on my labrum done last year and that had failed, that my cartilage would not be as hearty as it would've had I not had the scope done, however, he thinks the PAO should help my pain and put off the need for a total hip replacement for a long time.
He seemed surprised that I had so few questions and was ready to go ahead and set my surgery date that day. I explained to him that I have done tons of research since my scope last year and had already made the decision that this was the route I would need to go. So the appointment ended up setting up a date pre-op for a CT scan (done at his hospital, Beaumont Royal Oak, his preferred place because he likes the equipment used there) as well as a surgery date, pre-op and first post-op appt.
CT Scan @ Beaumont - July 12 - 12:30pm
Pre-Op Appt. - July 31 - 1:45pm
Surgery - August 8 - will get time the night before
First Post-Op Appt. - August 28 - 1:15pm
Now I'm just finishing up work - my last day before surgery is Friday, August 4. I think I've got all the things I need for post-op, including Mobilegs Ultra crutches, shower chair, ice machine, toilet seat riser, etc. I'm just ready to get this behind me and start recovery already!
Friday, November 18, 2016
I Miss Running
I'm now 5 months post op from hip arthroscopy and most days, I can hardly tell I had surgery. And by that, I mean that I'm still having issues. While my hip has little to no pain, all the areas around it are inflammed, tight and causing pain. I had an SI joint injection on Nov 1, as well as one on the side of my hip for bursitis. The injection itself didn't take long, but man was it painful. They numbed it first but honestly I don't think it made much of a difference. It was SO much pressure I wanted to chew my arm off. It felt like she was putting all her body weight on the needle. I'm still traumatized just thinking about it. The bursa injection was easy peasy compared to the SI.
The first couple days after the injections, the pain got worse. But after that it seemed to slowly improve. After 2 weeks, my pain levels in my SI joint were down. However, now I seem to be having pain from tight piriformis and glute muscles (on op side). Due to that, I decided it was time for another massage (on Monday, Nov 14). Again, that flared things up for a couple days, but now I'm getting some relief. By the end of the day, the pain usually returns, but for the most part, foam rolling and stretching are making a difference. I've also requested to go back to PT, which I start next Wednesday, Nov. 23. Hoping to make more progress and reduce pain even further.
In addition to all of this, I'm really starting to miss running. I see all of my running friends on Facebook posting all their workouts and fun races, and I'm so jealous. Something that I loved doing so much and that was such a stress reliever, and I honestly don't know if I will ever be able to run again.
Goal #1 right now is to be able to do normal daily activities without pain.
Goal #2 would be to eventually be able to run/walk 5Ks.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
August 2016 Highlights
Aug 5 - Olympics in Rio start!
Aug 6 - We had a garage sale - which I fell asleep during! Garage sales are hard work, ok?
Aug 7 - Visit to ER. Revealed a UTI and ovarian cyst but I still believe my pain was from an abdominal strain from PT (one legged bridges)
Aug 11 - Dr. Farjo follow-up from hip surgery. He said my range of motion is good and so far everything is going fine. Also went to urgent care - UTI wasn't clearing up. New antibiotic.
Aug 13 - lower abdominal pain returns making PT virtually impossible.
Aug 16 - My bday :)
Aug 17 - Family doc appt at 11:20. UTI still not clearing. Got another new antibiotic.
Aug 22 - A rare good day. 9 weeks, 5 days post op and minimal pain in morning. PT when got home and did 0.5 mile walk with two 35 second jogs. Step count is best I've had in a very long time! 6,197 steps.
Aug 23 - Walked again with two 30 second jogs. Went 0.5m in 10:45. 1m on recumbent bike as warm-up and also PT exercises.
Aug 24 - Finished with PT exercises and recumbent bike (1.8m). Did 0.5 mile walk with two 30 second jogs again since it didn't hurt after Monday. Feeling amazing this week! My left leg is still smaller than right but I know it will catch up eventually. Eek, progress!!
Aug 29 - Went to have a massage and also tried cupping. Interesting!
Aug 30 - My originally surgery date. Instead I am almost 11 weeks post op!
Sunday, July 31, 2016
July 2016 Highlights
July 2 - Went out with D using crutches. Then he pushed me around in wheelchairs - antique shop, mall, Five Guys, Best Buy, Coldstone :)
July 4 - Complain about fireworks...a lot! And turn all of Bradys car seats forward facing...yay we made it 3 years!
July 5 - 2:24 on my recumbent bike
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Brady's 3rd Birthday 6/27/13
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Father in law, step mom, dad and hubby setting up |
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I hung out with the dog :)
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with his new bubble machine |
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Week 1 Post-Op
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6/18/16 Large bandage off, just bandaids now |
June 22, 2016 - 1 Week Post-Op ApptGot my stitches removed. Met with Mike, one of the PA's. Not much to talk about he just said I could start weaning off the crutches. I tried this later when I got home, but it was too much pain :( Still taking pain meds every 4 hours (and mostly thru the night still too).
This week I spent A LOT of time watching the US Olympic Trials!